About Us
Devon Mahoney
CEO New Market International Consulting (NMIC)
Former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Supervisory Special Agent Devon P. Mahoney graduated from the Virginia Military Institute in 1992 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business and Economics. Upon graduation, he accepted a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the US Army serving as a Field Artillery Officer at Ft. Wainwright, Alaska. In 1994, Mr. Mahoney earned a Master of Science Degree from the University of Laverne in Organizational Management.
In 1996, Mr. Mahoney was appointed to the position of Special Agent with the FBI. During his career, he was assigned to the Las Vegas, Albuquerque, and Columbia Field Divisions where he worked criminal and terrorism investigations. As a lead investigator, Mr. Mahoney conducted numerous successful Under Cover Operations using Confidential Human Sources to investigate and dismantle criminal conspiracies. Mr. Mahoney has vast experience conducting a wide variety of investigations, and received numerous awards for leading high-profile investigations leading to numerous successful prosecutions.
In 2015, Mr. Mahoney was assigned to Bucharest, Romania where he worked international corruption matters with the Romania’s National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) and Moldova’s National Anticorruption Center (NAC). Mr. Mahoney created strong and trusting relationships with the DNA, as well as the NAC, which resulted in several joint investigative matters. Mr. Mahoney was also commended for developing a highly successful training program in anticorruption investigative techniques taking place in Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Egypt, and Serbia.
In 2016, Mr. Mahoney was promoted to the FBI International Corruption Unit located in Washington, D.C., where he was the Program Manager responsible for the FBI’s Antitrust Program. As the Antirust Program Manager, Mr. Mahoney initiated an unprecedented methodology to proactively investigate cases which were historically investigated reactively, by emphasizing sophisticative techniques such as undercover operations, source development, and interview skills to identify and prosecute criminal activities of collusion. He was commended for increasing case openings by over 300% by securing $2.9 million in funds from the Department of Justice to add significant personnel and resources to this growing threat affecting the U.S. and global economies. Mr. Mahoney also launched a unique multi-agency task force with U.S. Postal Inspector General, State Department, Department of Defense, and USAID leading to breakthrough cases in the pharmaceutical industry and collusive international corporate activity on US military installations. Mr. Mahoney also created a ground-breaking interactive antirust training program focusing on advanced investigative methods such as confidential human source operations, data collection through use search warrant and document techniques, and interview techniques to garner confessions. Mr. Mahoney personally trained numerous competition agencies around the world resulting in an unparalleled sharing of international activities and generation of new cases that had a significant impact on the global economy.
In 2019, after 23 years in the FBI, Mr. Mahoney retired and founded New Market International Consulting (NMIC) specializing in providing training and investigative solutions to agencies working antitrust and competition matters. NMIC has had the opportunity to contract with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Antitrust Division to provide investigative consultation and to implement their international training program. NMIC has also contracted with numerous international competition agencies to provide investigative consultation and training on a wide variety of topics.
Gadi Perl
Senior Advisor, Forensic and Data Analytics Expert
Skills Summary
A Senior Investigator and Team Leader with extensive experience investigating white collar crimes, cartels and competition violations. In addition, an experienced computer forensic examiner with specialty in cellular data, big data investigations, including data analytics. A lecturer with experience in both national in international skill-training in investigations and computer forensics.
2020 – Present, PhD Candidate, Law Faculty, Hebrew University Jerusalem Israel (HUJI)
Researching the regulation of Artificial Intelligence based systems
LLB, 2010, LLM, 2013,2020 (Research)
Law Faculty, Hebrew University Jerusalem Israel. Thesis on The Regulation of Self Driving Vehicles received 95.
Hebrew University, Jerusalem Israel
Research Fellow: Federman Cybersecurity Research Center, Cyberlaw Program
Cheshin Center for Advanced Legal Studies
Research Fellow, 2017- Present
Researching Smart Transportation and AI regulation. Expert on behalf of the Israeli Ministry of Transport in a joint Israel and UAW conference in Dubai. Counseling to the Ministry of Justice. Autonomous vehicles regulation survey of behalf of the Israeli Innovation Agency. Member and grant winner for research into Level 3 systems on behalf of the Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center. Participation in the research of cyber security regulation of smart and connected vehicles
Israel Competition Authority
Senior Team Leader, Investigations Specialist and Chief IT Forensics investigator and examiner, 2013- 1/2022
Investigator, 2010-2013
In charge of complex investigations into major companies, including investigations coordination and in-depth evidence analysis. In charge of all digital evidence gathering, including development of IT forensic capabilities, conducting dawn raids and producing evidence to be used later on in courts.
Conducting legal research and conducting intricate investigations with legal implications, including the management of suspected privileged data, and managing contested claims of privilege in court.
Membership in the inter-agency committee regarding digital evidence and member of the training sub-committee ad technology sub-committee of the joint task force standing committee for economic enforcement.
Expert lecturer on behalf of the ICA and the World Bank participating in capacity building in Peru, Colombia, Brazil and more. Assistance in IT Forensics capacity building for Peru and Moldova.
State of Israel – Prime Minister’s Office
2008-2009 (Restricted)
Israeli Defense Forces – Military Police – Investigations Department
Investigations Officer – Ranking Major
2000-2005 Active Duty
2005 – Present Reserve duty
Currently a senior member in the internal audit unit of the Investigations Department.
Previously deputy base commander. In charge of complex investigations following military operations and suspected human rights violations. Experience in criminal investigations for violations conducted by soldiers.
Nicolas Wilkins
Senior Advisor, Europe Expert
Is an experienced leader with 25 years overseeing and managing competition law enforcement. He has used his vast experience to help shape internal and published competition law and investigation policies for several antirust agencies.
Career Experience
April 2019 to present Principal Advisor, Cartels Unit, New Zealand Competition Commission
• Oversight of case teams investigating cartel conduct;
• Creation of an investigation related policies and guidance including Operations Manual; Evidence Handling policy, Leniency policy, Design and provision of investigation training
• Liaison with domestic external stakeholders including NZ Police and the NZ Serious Fraud Office
• A leading role with international stakeholders including the ACCC, the US Department of Justice, the Canadian Competition Bureau, the CMA and DG Competition, Global supply chain working group
• Leading role in the organization of the ICN’s Cartel Workshop to be hosted in New Zealand
• Development of competition intelligence function
• Mentoring a number of staff including one senior decision maker
• Oversight of cartels media campaign including the creation of video content, social media
advertising and a rewrite of the cartel related content on the NZCC website
April 2022 to July 2022 Consultant, Australian Competition & Consumer Commission
• Creating and providing strategic training on the concept of ‘the investigative mindset’;
• Written guidance on international cooperation during investigations, both for the International Unit and for the ACCC as a whole;
• Written guidance on notetaking during investigations;
• Written policy guidance on the handling of Confidential Sources; and
• A further policy guidance document.
March 2018 to February 2019 Senior Advisor (Competition Enforcement & Policy), Hong Kong Competition Commission
• Providing strategic guidance on the conduct of all aspects of competition law investigations in Hong Kong including:market sharing and price fixing agreements in the hospitality sector; exclusionary conduct in the healthcare sector; bid-rigging in a number of cases involving publicly procured services;
• Drafted compulsory and voluntary document and information request notices;
• Participated in voluntary and compulsory interviews;
• Participated in a ‘dawn raid’, leading key discussions with company representatives; and
• Development of a number of investigation policy manuals and the Commission’s policies on: Recommended Pecuniary Penalty; Leniency for Undertakings; Leniency for Individuals; and Cooperation.
November 2015 to March 2018 Senior Manager, Enforcement and Compliance, Great Britain’s Office of Gas and Electric Markets (Ofgem)
• Oversight and management of Ofgem’s competition law enforcement function including; Oversight of case teams of several UK Competition Act investigations into anti-competitive agreements and abuse of dominance affecting the energy sector.
September 1997 to March 2013 Team Leader, OFT (United Kingdom), Cartels and Criminal Enforcement Group (‘CCEG’)Enforcement Group (‘CCEG’)
• Planned, co-ordinated and led a large number of investigation teams in relation to cartels and other competition law cases in the UK (civil cartels and other alleged anti-competitive agreements and dominance breaches under the Competition Act 1998 and the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976 as well as criminal cartels under the Enterprise Act 2002) including; Lead investigator on the OFT’s criminal cartel investigation into the supply of marine hose which lead to the first successful criminal cartel offence prosecution in the United Kingdom; Lead investigator on the OFT’s information-exchange cartel investigation into collusion between two banks in which RBS agreed to pay a penalty of £28.59m; Team Leader on the cartel investigation into stock check pads from complaint through the issuing of a Statement of Objections; Team leader on the OFT’s criminal cartel investigation in the automotive sector; Team Leader and budget holder for UK inspections by the European Commission’s DG Competition. Involved detailed knowledge of the EC's investigation powers and techniques as well as regular liaison with DG Competition;
• Planned and performed as team leader on a large number (well over 100) of OFT and European Commission competition and consumer law on-site inspections
• Liaison with international stakeholders, including the US Department of Justice, the EU’s DG Competition and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. Represented the OFT at the International Competition Network’s annual cartels workshop on a number of occasions;
• Oversaw the work of forensic IT specialists on the gathering, storage and control of electronic evidence;
• Drafted and presented reports to the OFT Board and senior management regarding a range of topics, including case resource allocation and the exercise of formal investigation powers;
• Developed and used project plans and other project management tools setting key milestones and effectively delegating and monitoring tasks to ensure that milestones were met;
• Managed the multi-disciplinary team resources effectively addressing any conflicts;
• Drafted legal notices, affidavits and warrants working to tight timetables;
• Analyzed extensive volumes of documentary and witness evidence to determine sufficiency of evidence. Drafted extensive detailed briefs of evidence;
• 2007-2008 Kings College London, Postgraduate Diploma in EC Competition Law (Merit)
• 2001-2002 Nottingham Trent University, Postgraduate Certificate in Competition Policy (covering Competition Law and Economics)
• 1991 – 1994 Thames Valley University - B.A. (Honours) Accounting Studies (included modules on macro and micro economics, industrial economics, financial accounting, management accounting, company law and business strategy)
Matthew Stegman
Senior Advisor, Legal & Investigations Expert
Matthew Stegman has over 26 years of prosecution experience, including investigating and prosecuting antitrust cartels and other complex criminal white-collar conspiracies. As a prosecutor with the United States Department of Justice, Matt has investigated and prosecuted over 100 federal cases, winning convictions in all federal jury trials. As a lead attorney in the Antitrust Division’s Criminal Program, Matt investigated and prosecuted price-fixing, bid-rigging, and fraud cases, leading to prison sentences and multimillion-dollar penalties. In addition to his antitrust focus, throughout his career, Matt has led investigations and prosecutions of money laundering and other complex frauds--mortgage, securities, bankruptcy, consumer, viatical--as well as bank robberies, counterfeiting, threats to the president, drug trafficking, and child exploitation cases.
Matt was twice awarded the Antitrust Division’s Assistant Attorney General’s Award of Distinction. Matt has been very active in antitrust outreach, presenting to law enforcement and other government officials on criminal antitrust investigations and prosecutions. Matt served as the Division’s Antitrust Outreach Coordinator.
Prior to Matt’s work with the Antitrust Division, Matt took on the world’s largest financial institutions for their responsibility in causing the worldwide financial crisis. Selected by top Justice Department leadership, including the Associate Attorney General and the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Director of Enforcement, Matt served two years as the coordinator of the President’s Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities (RMBS) Working Group. He was responsible for forming and coordinating the RMBS Working Group, investigating and holding accountable those financial institutions responsible for the worldwide financial crisis, leading to multibillion-dollar penalties. Matt came to that position after serving as the national White Collar Crime Coordinator for the Executive Office of United States Attorneys, in which he led nationwide criminal enforcement efforts for the FBI and U.S. attorney’s offices.
Matt obtained his law degree from the University of Southern California School of Law in 1995. Matt is an active member of the state bars in the District of Columbia and Virginia. Matt also spends much of his time volunteering as a certified EMT and ambulance driver with the Wintergreen Fire and Rescue and the Fairfax County Fire & Rescue departments.
Grant Chamberlain
Senior Advisor, Indo-Pacific Expert
Eugenio Ruiz-Tagle Wiegand
Senior Advisor, Latin America Expert
After two years as member of the Litigation Division of the Fiscalía Nacional Económica (National Prosecution Office or “FNE”) in Chile, Mr. Ruiz-Tagle was appointed as Deputy Head of the Anti-Cartel Division of the FNE, a position he held for more than five years (2017-2022). In that role, he was in charge of leading a team of lawyers, economists and IT personnel in the investigation and prosecution of high-profile collusion cases. Besides taking part in legal and strategic decision-making, he was in charge of organizing and conducting dawn raids, interrogations, phone tappings and other investigative measures, working closely with local police forces and the judiciary. He also has long experience collaborating with government and international agencies, both in Latin America and beyond.
Prior to that, Mr. Ruiz-Tagle was 4 years in private practice as an associate attorney in a prominent Chilean law firm, focusing in white-collar crime and IP law infringements.
Mr. Ruiz-Tagle holds Masters’ in Laws (LLM) at University College London, has postgraduate studies in Criminal and Competition Law & Regulation, has participated in several international summits and seminars both in Chile and abroad and has been a Lecturer in Competition Law. He is currently based in London.
George “Ren” McEachern
Senior Advisor, Investigation Expert
Ren is the Founder and President of TrustStorm, based in Arlington, Virginia. Prior to establishing TrustStorm in 2022, Ren was a Managing Director and Executive Committee member at Exiger, where he established the Exiger Government Services (EGS) business unit, serving U.S. Government (USG) clients with high-impact services and products. During his EGS leadership tenure, Ren developed and led the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Army Judge Advocate General (JAGC) programs with a focus on high-quality litigation support, Technology Assisted Review (TAR) eDiscovery solutions, and innovative investigative technologies.
Under Ren’s leadership, EGS supported three units at DOJ to include: Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), Market Integrity and Major Fraud (MIMF), and Health Care Fraud (HCF). Specifically, the program provided expert contractors with extensive previous experience working for the FBI in support of DOJ matters directly relevant to the mission of the FCPA, MIMF, and HCF Units. The managed solutions platform involved review and analysis of financial documents, bank statements, and electronic communications; analysis and tracing of the flow of funds to identify complex financial criminal schemes; assistance and preparation of summary charts, written analysis, and other material in connection with the investigations and trials; and expert preparation and testimony. Additional services included the review, assessment, and production of disparate and voluminous data (20+ Terabytes) seized during the execution of federal search warrants to ensure efficient, effective, and timely production for defense attorneys as well as DOJ filter and trial attorneys.
Separately, Ren led a complex eDiscovery project in support of a five-year contract with the JAGC to transfer all of the JAGC litigation cases from an outdated eDiscovery platform to the latest version of Relativity. The project required coordination with JAGC attorneys, Army IT specialists, Relativity IT specialists, and involved voluminous data assessment and migration, data quality assurance, infrastructure and user training, and numerous IT systems in both unclassified and classified ecosystems.
Ren’s expertise has also included assisting the USG on best practices in leveraging cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and natural language processing (NLP), to address structured and unstructured voluminous data challenges in complex financial crime investigations.
Prior to joining Exiger in 2018, Ren was an FBI Supervisory Special Agent and was selected to lead the FBI's Washington Field Office, International Corruption Squad. In this role, Ren led a team of Special Agents, Forensic Accountants, and Intelligence Analysts with a focus on investigations related to the FCPA, International Money Laundering, Kleptocracy and Antitrust violations. Ren worked closely with DOJ and the SEC on parallel global investigations and resolutions, to include deferred prosecution agreements (DPAs), non-prosecution agreements (NPAs), declinations, compliance reviews and mediation, “Filip Factors” presentations, penalties, fines and disgorgement, individual prosecutions, forfeiture and seizure, and violations of prosecution agreements.
Ren was the Acting Unit Chief of the FBI’s International Corruption Unit. In this capacity as both Acting Chief and Supervisory Special Agent, Ren developed and implemented a new FBI proactive global strategy to investigate complex international financial crimes and corruption matters. This new strategy was closely coordinated with both the DOJ and the SEC. Moreover, it represented an increase of over 300% in new international anti-corruption resources for the FBI. The strategy leveraged critical private sector outreach and overseas partnerships, innovative analytical capabilities, and utilized dedicated expert personnel with solid investigative principles. This concept resulted in the creation of dedicated FBI international corruption teams. This program was highlighted by the Wall Street Journal, “FBI to Bulk up Foreign Bribery Efforts,” on 01/14/2015. Additional responsibilities included program management of all FBI FCPA investigations, private sector outreach, international FCPA training and education, and participation with the OECD Working Group on Bribery.
Ren’s global investigative experience positioned him to work closely with the banking industry, leveraging Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) and internal bank investigations, while following various currencies through the complex world banking system. Ren’s cases involved working with Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) around the globe, to include the U.S. Department of Treasury’s, Financial Crime Enforcement Network (FinCEN), tracking complex money movements, analyzing bank accounts, and identifying money launderers. Ren routinely coordinated with foreign counterparts on global parallel investigations to improve the collection of certified evidence, while advocating the importance of intelligence sharing for proactive case initiation and support. Ren has managed international corruption investigations in the Americas, Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. These investigations have involved multiple industries, to include pharmaceuticals, aerospace & defense, energy, retail, hospitality, financial, banking, technology, extractives, education, and others.
Prior to Ren’s involvement with the FBI’s International Corruption Program, he was selected to serve as a Supervisory Special Agent in the FBI’s Office of Congressional Affairs. His FBI tenure also included assignments in the Tampa and Boston Divisions investigating international and domestic terrorism, public corruption, complex criminal enterprise, international maritime crimes, and bank robbery.